about me
Quick Facts
My Season: Autumn
Fun Fact: I lived in Japan for over a decade
Calming Sound: Thunderstorms
Childhood Book: The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford
Color: Olive Green & Black
Food Obsession: Watermelon
Fantasy Career: Pokémon Trainer & Marine Biologist
Dream Project: A spooky fun and giggle-worthy early reader
Dream Home: Lighthouse in a small seaside town
Hi, I'm Clarice!
I am a children's author and illustrator based in Texas.
My work celebrates childhood moments sprinkled with magic, nature, and adventure. I love learning and immersing myself in research (or fieldwork) for projects. And although I love all critters, I have a strict look-don't-touch rule for insects. Sorry buggies!
Working with an NPO to raise awareness for wildlife would be a dream project. A good spooky mystery is also high on my list.
When not working on art, you can find me staying active, curious, and busy building blanket forts with my little monkeys.
Represented by Ethan & Heather Long at Tugeau 2.